Monday, May 14, 2012

Chapter 15

Sunday morning Sarah stepped up to the reception desk to ask Tina a few things. She had something planned for the afternoon and hoped that Tina would allow it so she could go on with it. Sarah had planned it last night, hoping Richie would like it.

Unlike Richie Sarah got her phone calls on Sundays and phoned her sons now that she was there. Tina gave her her phone and Sarah walked over to the same place Richie always sat when he phoned home.

She entered her home number and waited for the ringing tone to turn into a voice.

“Matthews’ house.” She finally heard. “Caleb? Hiya Kid, how are you?” She asked her oldest son. “Hey mum, I’m good, how are you doing?” He sounded very happy to hear her. “I’m good too, one more week.”

She realized she really only had one more week with Richie. “Can’t wait until you’re home, I miss you. Do you want to talk to grandma?” Caleb asked. “I miss you too Kid. Can you get her for me?” She really did miss him and his brother, one more week and she’d be home. “Yeah.” She heard him lower the phone and walk around.

“Sarah?” She heard her mum’s voice. “Hi mum.” “Hey sweetie, how are you doing?” Her mum asked. “Really good, I think I made a lot of progress this week.” Sarah finally realized that she had and was proud of herself for it.

“You’re doing good, keep listening to your therapists, they’ll help.” Her mum encouraged her. “It’s not only them…” Sarah didn’t finish the sentence. “Who else?” “Richie.” “Richie? That’s a man’s name.” She said surprised. “Yeah, he’s a really good friend.” “You’re making friends? I’m so proud of you.”

“He’s very sweet; I really like him, a lot.” Sarah said with a smile, even though her mum couldn’t see it, Sarah was sure she knew it was there. “Sarah,” She said strictly, “go for it, I mean it, if you like him in that way don’t let fear stand in the way.” She encouraged her daughter. “I’m trying to do that and he knows so he’s going slow too.” “That’s good, keep it slow and talk to him so he knows what you want.” “I know mum, I’m trying.” Sarah sighed.

She continued to tell her mum what she planned this afternoon before asking if she could talk to her boy.

When her 45 minutes were up she gave the phone back to Tina and thanked her.

She looked up at the big round clock above the desk, almost noon, she should go find Richie.

A few minutes later she found him in the living room, watching MTV Classic, he must be really happy to listen to some music so she sat down next to him instead of him asking to go with her yet.

“What are you watching?” She seemed to recognize some tunes. “80’s music.” He answered. He was sure he’d show up in the program but hoped no one realized it was him.

Sarah recognized the guitar play that Richie had played for her only a few days ago. She looked up at the tv and surely it said Bon Jovi. She wanted to say something but caught herself before she did. Instead she reached up to whisper in his ear. “You looked silly.”

His lips curled into a smile, he knew she was only teasing. “I was considered pretty hot back then.” He whispered back. “Not anymore?” She wondered. He shook his head. “Nah now I’m considered an ugly 50 year old.” “You’re 50?” She said out loud, surprised.

He chuckled. “51.” “Really? I would have never guessed that.” Just then a nurse tapped Sarah’s shoulder and asked her to come with her. Sarah got up and followed her to the kitchen.

Together they got all the things together and Sarah went back to the living room. “Want to go for a picnic?” Richie looked up at her and she showed him the basket she was holding. He didn’t have to think about it and got up. “Show me the way.”

Sarah walked outside and to their bench but walked past it, around the pond to where the trees were, they’d have more privacy there.

Richie helped her spread the blanket on the ground. He sat down and pulled Sarah with him to sit right next to him. “What are we having for lunch?” He asked. Sarah reached for the basket and started unpacking it. “Orange juice, sandwiches and cake.” She placed every item on the blanket as she named it. “Looks good.” Richie said.

They started eating and talking about all kinds of things. Sarah told Richie about her plan of getting a job after she left the center. He liked the idea and encouraged her, sure she could do it, they started thinking of all the jobs she could do.

She told him more about what she had studied and how she wanted to do that now more than ever. Deep inside she hoped she would have enough courage to go back in September. She only had one more year to finish, wouldn’t it be possible?

After lunch they moved the basket away. Richie lied down on his side, supporting on his elbow, Sarah did the same, and she faced him. “Come here.” He reached for her chin, he kissed her, making the kiss deeper before he realized what he was doing. He let her go and leaned back.

“God Sarah,” he sighed, “I gotta tell you and I hope I don’t scare you away.” His eyes met hers before he continued. “I like you, a lot and I want to keep seeing you after we leave.” He finally said the thing he had been wanting to say.

“I want that too.” Sarah smiled at him. He couldn’t be happier at that moment. “And I want to take this slow for you, so you have to tell me what you want.” “I will.” She agreed.” “And tell me what you don’t want or if I’m going too fast.” “I will.” She agreed again. “But right now I want you to kiss me like that again.”

She moved closer to him, Richie smiled, exactly what he wanted. He kissed her again, leaning her back on the blanket, but she didn’t let him and pushed him back. Sarah took his free hand and placed it on her hip. Richie deepened the kiss, he stopped trying to lay her down as Sarah wouldn’t budge, he just lay next to her.

His hand on her hip, slightly travelling up to her side, stroking back down over her back.

“I feel like I’m in high school again.” Sarah said when they broke apart. “What? Did you take boys on picnics back then too?” Richie joked. “No, more like learning to kiss and trust again.” She shook her head when she laughed.

“Learning to kiss?” Richie asked confused, surely it wasn’t the first time she kissed anybody. “Well, I haven’t kissed a man in about 10 years, even longer since I’ve enjoyed it.” It was true.

Richie felt some sort of pride that she enjoyed it with him. “You must be a natural then cause you’re really good.”

Go to the next chapter


  1. Loving it! Their relationship is progressing great! Can't wait for the next part...only 1 week left for Sarah :)

  2. The fact that Richie and Sarah are taking things slow is a smart move. They need to get to know each other, the picnic, and private walks and talks is a great start. Kind of curious how the relationship will go once they are both out. Sarah needs to spend a little time with her kids, and find a job. Richie will be rejoining the tour. Can't wait to see how it works out.

  3. Awww. Great chapter. I love how Richie is taking it slow. (probably not something he's used to LOL) But now I am worried about when Sarah leaves. Can she go back and visit Richie? hhhmmm.....

  4. Awww the picnic idea was so sweet!
